MS Doesn't Have Me Awareness Long Sleeve Shirt

Item #9075610X

Multiple Sclerosis Shirts

You’re a fighter, warrior and a person who will never let MS get the best of you. Show the world how strong you are by wearing this Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Long Sleeve Shirt. Our Multiple Sclerosis shirts give encouragement to anyone facing the challenges of multiple sclerosis, help to promote awareness during MS walks or events & help support the MS community.

Our MS Awareness Long Sleeve Sweatshirt is available on our premium long sleeve 100% cotton shirt, machine washable in youth sizes S-L and adult sizes S-2XL. Wear this MS Awareness Shirt at your next awareness event!

its just right! love the length of the sleeves and how it fits! very happy with it! The statement it says, I have been saying for years!
Gail S. - Beaver Dams, NY
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Products and Designs
  • Long Sleeve T-shirt ALL COLORS
  • MS Doesn't Have Me-(x5610x)
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Average Rating

its just right! love the length of the sleeves and how it fits! very happy with it! The statement it says, I have been saying for years!
Gail S. - Beaver Dams, NY

Wendy Ann D. - Bear, DE

worth the money
Marion M. - Kingston, NY
Additional Info Multiple Sclerosis affects approximately 400,000 people in the US and an estimated 2.5 million worldwide. By showing awareness, you will help support MS and also help fund research for a cure. Take a look at our entire collection of MS Awareness Walk Gear & Apparel to show your support today! You may also enjoy this great design in our MS Awareness Keychain or our MS Awareness Water Bottle as well.

Multiple Sclerosis Long Sleeve Shirt

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